William Blake Tarot

This past weekend I went to Utah with some friends and got to test out my new cards. They are the William Blake Tarot cards. Not your traditional tarot deck so there was a learning curve. This deck is more of a ‘creative’ vision deck. As explained on their website, “The William Blake Tarot explains the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet (1757-1827), correlating his imagery with the traditional Tarot. In this strikingly beautiful divination deck, Blake’s prophetic ‘system’ becomes a powerful tool for creative inspiration, personal problem-solving, and spiritual self-development. Its cards provide a vivid introduction to Blake’s thought and mythology.

Keyword to focus on here is ‘tool’. Being a Reiki Master I know that energy flows and goes where needed. I know that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way (I explain my belief in ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in a previous blog). Once again, the energy will always flow where needed. When I pull cards from either a Tarot deck or Angel cards they are ALWAYS perfect and what is needed to be heard by the person they are being used for.

Thank you to my friends who let me experiment with you and this new deck. It was fun, enlightening and always a pleasure to be in your divine presence.



Happy Friday!
Exercise is key to not just lifting your endorphins but also your spirit. When you are in a frump (I am totally guilty of this lately) it drags you down and depression sets in and then you’re caught up in this downward spiral that never seems to end. How do we stop this seemingly eternal downward spiral? Well, I can tell you a few of the steps that I just recently started to take. My number one reason for this was… nobody wants to see a fat singer on stage. Vanity. Yes. But sometimes vanity can be a good motivator. Secondly, I got a blood test to see where I am at with my body. When you see those results it gives you a good idea of what is going on with your body. In my case my vitamin D levels are low and my Testosterone levels are low. Two prime candidates for laziness. Now that I have those results I know what I need to do to get me back up to my formerly motivated self. There is a wealth of information you can find on the internet or you can consult us here. So… here are a few steps you can take. You don’t need to go get a blood test to do these.

1. Don’t beat yourself up – Know that this is a temporary situation. It will change eventually. It’s quite possible that you need the downtime to reflect and meditate on a certain situation going on in your life at the moment. Or if you did the blood test you can see why you’ve been so lazy. Like I said, its temporary.

2. Meditate – Ask for guidance. I have Angel cards that I use from Doreen Virtue. I love these cards because they will always speak to you and what you need at that moment. What I do with these cards is; I ask my Angels a question that I want answered. I shuffle them repeatedly until one pops out and onto the floor. Sometimes two or three cards do this. I have clients that I’ve worked on where a card has popped out and said exactly what we had been talking about at the beginning of the session. They work.

3. Focus on the result – When we look at ourselves and we see this fat dude in the mirror we get depressed. We don’t see the results right then and there and we talk ourselves out of exercise because it’s not immediate. Focus on the result. See yourself as this svelte dude. Vibrant and alive ready to take on the world because your body and mind are sound. Another good way to see your results is get out a measuring tape and measure all of those areas that you don’t like. Put it into a log and journal your results. When you start seeing your results it motivates you more to get even more results.

4. Baby Steps – Remember the movie with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss called ‘What about Bob?’? Richard’s character introduces Bill’s character to ‘Baby Steps’. One step at a time. Something is better than nothing. Even if you go out and walk for 10 minutes that is better than not going out for a walk at all. Right? Don’t set ridiculous goals. They don’t work. Don’t say you are going to go out and run 3 miles every morning because that is what you did when you were in the Marines (Again, speaking to myself). Forget about it. It ain’t going to happen. You’ll do it for a couple of days, tell yourself how awesome it is and that everybody should be doing it and then you’ll wake up one morning and say, ‘I’m sore. I can’t do this. I don’t have time. Blah… Blah… Blah…’

5. Just Do It – Probably the most important phrase ever written. Nike coined it, but it was never theirs. It’s been something that coaches have been saying since the beginning of time. When you don’t think about and just do it, before you know it you are doing it. Trick yourself if you have to. At night before you go to bed put your shorts and shoes right there by the bed. Get out of bed, put them on, walk out the door and before your mind start racing you’re already walking, or running or cycling. While you are out there then you can go through your list of things you have to do. Have your coffee after you go out, not before. Believe me, you can find the time. Think of all of the times you’ve sat on your couch doing nothing, or on your computer. You do have the time. <- Period.

6. Be accountable – Last but not least, be accountable for your actions. Nobody made you this way. You made you this way. It wasn’t genetics or the way your parents raised you or how anybody made you feel. The buck stops here. Nobody can make this happen to you but you. Harsh, yes, but true. This is why my partner (she’s a pediatric nurse) doesn’t like to work on adults. People come in with heart disease, obesity, etc. and want a quick fix and then complain when they don’t get those immediate results. Ask yourself this question… how long did it take you to get to where you are today? Did it take 10 years? Do you seriously think it will take a couple of days to get rid of it? You need to be honest with yourself. It will take time. It won’t take 10 years, but it will take time and a little effort. And the best part is that along this journey you will be raising your endorphins and feeling good about yourself.

If you would like to book a session with me, please shoot me a message. Lets get you motivated for your journey!!!

Jupiter Day

Happy Jupiter Day, or Thor’s Day!
These were where Thursday came from. Jupiter was the God of Sky and Thunder, also known as Thor. I wonder if Gene Simmons wrote ‘God of Thunder’ on a Thursday? Hmm….

Anyway… today is a great day to embrace something new or make something stick that you’ve been wanting to change for a long time. Say ‘Yes’ instead of ‘maybe later’. Quit being so lazy for crying out loud. 🙂 Get out there and make your mark on this world. You don’t want to have to go to your grave saying ‘I coulda, woulda, shoulda’.


Karma Machine

Andy LaRocque, the guitarist for King Diamond, now has the Kill Ritual album in his possession at his Sonic Train Studios in Sweden for the final mixing and mastering. We should be hearing back from him with mixes in the next week or so before he has to head over here to the U.S. for rehearsals with King Diamond for Mayhem Fest in June with Slayer.

For the last three months or so I’ve been working on the Kill Ritual album. What I love about writing is the ebb and flow of ideas and the collaboration between musicians. I must say, it has been very pleasant. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, It’s been a constant surprise to me when someone accepts lyrics that I’ve written. In my head I’m saying, “Yeah, they aren’t going to like this. I’ve overstepped some boundaries.” Only to find out that they actually love them. Awesome! My writing process is a lot like others I’ve come to find out. One night while talking to a friend of mine from a very famous metal band I said that I will usually come up with melody lines to the music, lay those down and then some key words from the gibberish that I’m singing will come out. I can’t write lyrics without music. Not sure what it is but ‘blogging’ or journaling is completely different from songwriting. I HAVE to have the music. It’s almost as if the music speaks to me, tells me what to write. Anyway, after saying this to him I was thinking that he was probably thinking I’m a nutcase, only to find out that he has the same experience.

I look at lyric writing as partially divine intervention, part music, and part experience. I remember when I was with The Constant, in Los Angeles. Frank, the guitarist, had this uncanny way of writing some great lyrics of other people’s experiences. Almost like he was a reporter. I can’t write like that. I shouldn’t say, ‘can’t’ because I don’t believe in that word, I should say, I haven’t. At least not yet. My lyrics come from my experience. One of my most popular songs was a desperate plea. It was me being totally vulnerable and not afraid to say what I was really feeling. I’ve come to believe that people can actually ‘feel’ what you’ve written if you are sincere. Almost as if the energy is transferred to the recording. Have you ever listened to a song where it touches your soul? That is what I try to achieve. Sometimes it hits home and sometimes it doesn’t. Anyway, it’s exhausting at times. I will get so wound up in the writing process that I can’t sleep. Many times Taylor has had to give me ambien to finally just pass out. When I’m not writing I can fall asleep within seconds. You could be talking to me and the next minute I’m snoring. Haha.

The name ‘Karma Machine’ was not my idea for the album title. When Steven, Kill Ritual’s guitarist, told me the name I was like… Dude, you don’t know me yet but this is right up my alley.

Anyway, I can’t wait for you all to hear this album. It’s explosive, insightful, and METAL. Who would have thought that this was my forté? I’m full of surprises lately.


Morning Mantra

Happy Hump Day!
It’s Wednesday, May 6th. Today is my first day not waking up in the wee hours of the morning. How did that feel? It felt great. When I awoke, instead of jumping out of bed and running to the coffee maker (hehe), I laid there and meditated. I thanked the Universe for this amazing life I have. My amazing partner, friends, musicians and clients. I am truly blessed.

What a precedent this set for the day. How many of us set the precedent of ‘I don’t want to do this’ first thing in the morning? What do you think that does to your psyche? You’re right. It bums you out. You can’t wait for the day to be over.

I’ve been using this mantra written by the Dalai Lama, who said, “Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.’”

Experiment with this morning mantra for a few days. I’d love to hear how this works for you.
Carpe Diem!

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Tuesday!
Today is a big day. Why, you ask? Not only is it Cinco de Mayo but its also my last day at my J.O.B. Scary and exciting all rolled into one package.

Living your highest truth is why we are here. When we aren’t living our highest truth that is when we get ‘blocked’. We forget that we are Spiritual ‘Be’ings having a human experience. We get caught up in the news, gossip, anything to distract us from what the source of the problem is.

Don’t get me wrong. Work is good for you to make money to live. Work is good to give you discipline and to create a base so you can eventually move on and do what you love. Long gone are the days where you worked a job for 20+ years. There are some, I’m sure, but they are rare.

When you finally take the leap, as I am today, it is scary. Why? Because its the unknown. When you are receiving a weekly paycheck you feel secure. You know that its going to be there so you can pay your bills, plan vacations, etc. The downside of that is that you know what your ceiling is. Yep. You know that you are making X amount and people in your ‘field’ make X amount. When you take the leap in doing what you love the ceiling is limitless. Depending on you, of course. Read my blog from a couple of days ago on ‘Self Sabotage’. You could do that and go back to your J.O.B. saying, “See. It didn’t work.”

How do you avoid that?

Surround yourself with like minded people. Tell those in the positions that you want to be in, what you are doing. Avoid telling your family (Haha), or at least the ‘worry warts’. There are a million people out there that will tell you how it will not work. Avoid them! Avoid telling them. Bless them and move on your way. 9 times out of 10 those people telling you that it won’t work have failed themselves. Here’s the flip side… the ones that are successes. The ones that you look up to have failed several times. Probably more times than the nay sayers. What is the difference? Well, as Thomas Edison was quoted as saying when they asked him how many experiments it took to create the lightbulb,

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”



Limiting Beliefs

Happy Sunday!!
Why do we self sabotage? Why do we get to a high point in our lives and suddenly have to destroy it all?

Limiting beliefs.

It could start from childhood where a parent tells you that we’re not good enough and we are at that developmental stage in our life where we believe everything. It sticks and we spend our whole life trying to prove to everyone that we are better, when deep down inside we are saying to ourselves, “I’ll never be successful”.

Or in another scenario we could be told that we aren’t good enough and later down our path we try to achieve success and a parent or other family member asks us, “Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re better than the rest of us?” only to drag us back down.

How do we conquer limiting beliefs?

Meditation is one way. Seeking a Shaman, a councellor, or Reiki Practioner. Try to get to the root of that limiting belief. Focus on where it started. Who said it? Why was it said? Ask your angels to guide you, to give you the answers. You might be surprised at where it originated. It might have been said to you in a time when your parent was feeling down about themselves and it had nothing to do with you or in the second scenario recognize that whomever is trying to keep you at their level has their own limiting belief about themselves and how they have been a failure in their life.

What we all need to recognize is this. Nothing anybody says is about you. It’s about themselves. <- Period. It’s a reflection of their feelings about themselves projected on to you. Nothing more.
