CD’s, TShirts, Stickers, and Metal!

For those of you that have bought the CD we would really love it if you would post a picture of you holding your CD or wearing your Kill Ritual TShirt.

If you don’t have your CD or Tshirt, why not?

Here is where you can get yours…..



Scarlet Records


KR TShirt Girls AdIMG_399111260801_10156060393710137_330174994_oIMG_3927IMG_3928IMG_3931
#karmamachine #killritual #newalbum #scarletrecords

Butterflies and Album Releases

Our album releases tomorrow (Sept. 18th). I’ve got that nervous, anxious feeling in my gut. This is my first release in a couple of years and I never really know what to expect from the fans, friends and family. In a way its like throwing darts at a wall with a blindfold on.

As artists, we pour our hearts out, we get vulnerable, and for that brief moment it gets captured for eternity for all to hear. Some bash the work, not caring about the sweat put into it, some praise it and some just shrug their shoulders and don’t give it a second thought. It’s part of the price we pay. No other job, and I use ‘job’ for a lack of a better term and for this context only, do you get paid less for working so hard. But, it’s the only job that I find rewarding to my soul. So it’s not about the money. Never has been. It’s about release. It’s therapeutic. We, as artists, do what we do because this is our therapy. Whenever I see somebody not following their heart, somebody doing the daily grind because they believe they have to, I thank the universe that I am blessed enough to have gotten out of the matrix. There is no ‘have to’. It’s your own limiting belief telling you that you have to. Anyway, I’m not here to talk to you about limiting beliefs, I’ll save that for another blog. So, I digress… The Album.

Tomorrow, Sept. 18th, the day I’ve been waiting months for will be here. This is a new road for me, uncharted territory, and I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t scared. But the road less travelled is always scary as it is refreshing. Kill Ritual has always been a Thrash Metal band, but with me now in it, it has shaken more than a few branches on the traditional Metal tree, as the reviews have been bi-polar… they don’t know how to classify this just as we don’t either. I’ll leave that up to you to decide. It is done.

I urge you to pick up a copy on either iTunes or Amazon. Watch our video and share it with as many people as you would like to. Request our song Rise on any radio station that you listen to that has a request line. Come see us play if you get a chance to. Our goal is global… we love what we do and we hope that you do as well.


Getting Butt Hurt

You know… being human is funny sometimes. Take me for example; I can walk around being the Reiki Rocker, being all Zen and shit and still forget that I am actually a Human ‘Be’ing. Why? Why can’t I always be Zen, give advice and be the Spiritual ‘Be’ing that I aspire to be?

I have to constantly remind myself that without the Yin and Yang in this world I would never be able to see my spiritual leaps and bounds. According the Wikipedia – ‘Zen emphasizes rigorous meditation-practice, insight into Buddha-nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, especially for the benefit of others. As such, it deemphasizes mere knowledge of sutras and doctrine and favors direct understanding through zazen and interaction with an accomplished teacher.’ So what does that all mean?

Being Buddha doesn’t come overnight. Like the definition exclaimed, ‘Rigorous meditation-practice’. That means every chance you get, you practice. When you are not practicing it is easy to forget and thus, we fall back into old habits, old programming. Every day I have to remind myself of this.

So why does the headline of this blog say, ‘Getting Butt Hurt’? Because, I let down my guard and I let someone get to me. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s like I’m going back to square one. Everything you’ve learned, all of the meditation, seems to be for naught. And that makes me even spiral MORE backwards because I tell myself, “David! You know better. You know this shit. Geez!”. So what happened?

I got a super shitty review. When somebody says this about you, “He has a rather dull and monotonous voice and on top of that he sings false. Especially in the song “Karma Machine” it is hopeless, his wining voice sometimes makes me want to cry as well.” First, I wanted to crawl under a rock, Second, I wanted to pummel the bastard. It really did a job on me yesterday and I just needed to be alone.

How long did it take me to get over this?

It took less time than you would imagine really. A lot of it is because of my meditation practice. Some would take this to heart, living this negativity day in and day out, for years. For me, and because of my rigorous meditation and Reiki practice, it is very short lived. My problem is that when it’s happening I think it shouldn’t be happening at all.

Silly Human! 🙂

As I stated above… I see a lot of people who do take this kind of thing to heart and it destroys their whole month, or year, or even worse… their life! They recede into a hole, afraid of criticism, wanting to be liked by everybody. Let me tell you something… When you can be ok with being loved or hated then you’re on a good path, because not everybody is going to love you, and on a positive note, not everybody is going to hate you. And the biggest question would be, ‘Why do you need to be loved by everybody?’ What is missing inside of you? Why do you not have faith in who you are? And if you really want me to get all deep on you…. Who was the first person in your life that told you that you ‘can’t‘? Because that is what it all comes down to…

We are usually hurt most by things that someone told us a long time ago, and we relive it when it happens again. Please remember this though… we are Human. So forgive yourself and move on. K?

If you would like to get over some of your deep issues, hit me up for a Reiki Session or two. It works. It’s energy and we are ALL energy.


Kill Ritual Update

We’ve been getting quite a few good reviews as the album release approaches. Yay us! Yeah… we’re pretty stoked. We also have our first show with this new lineup at Vamp’d in Las Vegas, October 8th, 2015! We’ve created an event page and if you are in the Las Vegas around that time we’d love to have come along.

We’ll have the new CD ‘Karma Machine‘ on hand as well Tshirts and stickers.

Check out the chicks wearing their ‘It’s hard to be so hot’ T’s!

KR TShirt Girls Ad

To get your hands on one of these shirts or our new CD please visit our Merch Store!

We’ve got a lot of cool stuff coming up so make sure you keep an eye out here, facebook or our Kill Ritual Website.

I know this was short and sweet but I’ll have more for you as it comes along.
David Reed Watson



I’ve noticed a few people in our community suffering from this moodiness that has been going around. I know I have my ups and downs as well. A lot of it is the fear of the unknown. When we are in that space our brains are like a pinball machine. Up and down, back and forth, never knowing if you’re going to hit the big number or drop down in that hole. But, like the pinball machine, sometimes dropping down in that hole is the best thing that could ever happen to us.


Because it all stops. You get to reassess everything before you pull that plunger back and go for another round.

I have to remind myself of this almost on a daily basis lately. The other night I was tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep at all. Anxiety. Something I never thought I would have to deal with, ever. But… after exercising today (some days I have to make myself) I looked at that. What is this anxiety? Why is it happening now. Now… what I consider the best days of my life?


The Anxiety is the fear of the unknown. These are the best days of my life. I am following my dreams but that EGO (leggo my ego) is on my shoulder saying… “David… you better go back to being a Graphic Designer. Give up this music crap. You will fail.” I’ve realized that the closer we get to our dreams the louder that voice is on our shoulder.

That is why so many people never reach the success that they say that they want. They stop themselves in their tracks and go back to the same old routines. The same hum drum life that they’ve always said they wanted to leave behind.

So… what am I doing about this anxiety? Well… first off I am very lucky to have a partner that believes in me. Someone that is willing to take the risk with me. That is a very important thing to have in your life. If you don’t have that, ask yourself if you’ve chosen a partner that keeps you where you are because of your own fear? You see… we chose our partners, not the other way around. And its easy to blame that other person for our own limited beliefs in ourselves. I know you’ve heard it from some of your friends… “I’d do [insert your dream here] but I can’t because of [insert your partner here].” I urge you to look at that. I urge you to talk candidly with the person you are with. You should be able to talk about anything with them, but a lot of us are afraid that they will run away. You are both there to support each other. That is why you fell in love. Right?

Secondly… get into a routine. Exercise releases endorphins. Kind of like sex does. Have both! After exercise (and/or sex) you feel better about yourself, your situation and it puts everything back into perspective. It’s very easy not to do these things though… so I also urge you to force yourself into a routine. Believe me, it will get easier after a while.

And lastly… Watch what you eat. You’ve heard the expression ‘Shit in, shit out’? What we put into our bodies greatly affects our moods. That includes drinking too much, which we all do from time to time.

I hope this helps you as much as it helps me. If you find yourself stuck… book a Reiki session with me. I can do distance healings as well if you are not in the Las Vegas area.

On a final note….

Follow your fucking dreams already!