
Last night I went to go see Dragonforce and Kamelot. Great show! My buddy Frankie and I hung out with Gee Anzalone from Dragonforce. Not many of you know that Gee was also the drummer for Kill Ritual.#‎dragonforce‬ ‪#‎kamelot‬ ‪#‎geeanzalone‬ ‪#‎killritual‬ ‪#‎livingthedream‬


The Christmas you get, you deserve.

For the last several years I’ve been playing this song by Emerson, Lake & Palmer. It’s one of my favorite songs by them called I Believe in Father Christmas. Listen to the words. 🙂 It started out as my goodbye to Colorado when I left for LA and then it was more of a reminder of where I’ve been, what I’ve seen, and how my life has changed over the years. You see, when the pictures in this video were taken it spanned four years of my life from moving to Colorado from Florida, being married, getting divorced, starting a new relationship, ending a relationship, recording albums with different bands, etc. All of which were never foreseen. You see, I never ever thought I would get divorced (nobody really does), I never thought I would move to Colorado because I never thought I would leave my Mt. Biking community in Southern Florida, nor my marriage.

What’s the moral of this story?

Never say Never. And I mean, never because we never know where the road will lead us. If you are willing to say ‘yes’ and overcome the fear of the unknown, life will open doors for you that you never thought possible.

One last thing before I send you on your way to watch this video…. I never really left Colorado. Maybe physically, but it has never left my heart. And since it never left my heart it lead me to my Fiancé who just happens to be from Colorado. Funny how that works, huh? 🙂

Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!



Religious Extremism

We’ve noticed with the recent events in France that religious extremism does not work and people are starting to get sick of it. They are either turning extreme to another Religious faction or they are ‘waking up’ and realizing that Religion is a means for misrepresented belief. A belief outside of themselves which we can say from politics, from Dogma, is control. It’s easy to control people if you get them to doubt something. If you get them to believe that if they don’t believe something then they will go to Hell. I know many people that are part of a Religion ‘Just in Case’. But I digress… I think believing in something is helpful. If it is helpful for you to believe in Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Krishna or the New England Patriots… by all means. Believe in it, but don’t bend the rules to your benefit. That’s not fair. If you’re going to be a Christian then follow the 10 Commandments. ALL of them, not some. People seem to bend the rules all of the time and they just use the excuse of ‘I’m a sinner’. Get where I’m going? Religious extremism has been around longer than you can imagine. History shows us that the Christians were just as brutal at one time. First it was the destruction of the Pagans, then the Saxons, oh yeah… can’t forget the Crusades now can we? I could go on and on about Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, etc. and I could give you plenty of examples of horrible violence. All in the name of Religion. Like I said in the beginning… we just saw it in France.

I had mentioned that some people turn to extremes, I’ll use this recent tragedy as an example. Some are quick to jump on the bandwagon that ALL Muslims are bad. Not all Muslims are bad, just like not all Christians are bad. There is good and bad in everything. What we can learn from this is that it has opened our eyes to ‘what does not work’ and fix it or we can do like we’ve done for centuries and start another war. That seems to be our easy solution to everything. Makes me ill. Why does it make me ill? Because there was a time in my life where I believed this mentality, I was part of the system. Believe me… I was in the Marines. My mentality was ‘Kill ’em all. Let God sort ’em out.’ Sometimes you have to experience extremes, both left and right, to find your own center.

My hope for humanity is that we will all look within. If we believe the story of Jesus, we know that he was a compassionate man. He believed in turning the other cheek and that two wrongs do not make a right. I challenge you to be ‘Christ like’ and leave behind the old ‘Christian’ Dogma that has been shoved down out throats for centuries. Time to take back your power!


Updated Social Media Sites

We’ve spent the last couple of days updating our social media sites. If you are on any of these sites please add us. We’d appreciate the support.

There are some big things coming down the pipe for 2016. Starting it out we will be opening for Graham Bonnett while we are at NAMM. Click here for the Facebook Invite. If you are in the Anaheim area please stop by to give us a listen. We’ve got a tour shaping up as well. We’ll be finalizing everything before the end of the year and hope to make it to your town. Send us a note on your favorite social media site or just email us. Tell us you want us to come to your town.

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We deeply sympathize with the advents in Paris yesterday. As touring musicians we can’t even imagine how the members of the Eagles of Death Metal feel at this moment and our hearts go out to them, their crew and their families. Collectively we feel this was another cowardly act on innocent civilians and terrorism will always lose in the end.

We don’t know when our time will end on this planet so love those around you and spread as much peace and joy that you can muster during this time of sorrow.
David, Steven, Bobby and Kore