As Within, So Without

Good Morning from New Orleans!

I am grateful for the relationships that I have in my life and that I can share of myself with them.

Along my journey I’ve been able to break bread with various family and friends, new and old. I get to live my truth instead of just speaking it. I had mentioned yesterday that I have shed my doubts about how I’ve lived my life, and that everything is perfect just the way it is.

My Harley, Destiny, has been my trusty steed along this journey as well as the Hay House HEAL Summit programs that I’ve listening to as the miles tick away behind me. I’ve been in a state of mindfulness and joy. The old past patterns have been recognized, consoled and put away only to be used in reference to my journey.

Today’s card is the 2 of Cups. It’s the love card, and in the Rohrig Tarot it depicts a person hugging another, and with further inspection it is depicted with three arms around them. This is indicating that to have love we need to be love. We need to learn to love ourselves first before we can step into the space of loving others.

For me, it was learning about my inner child. About the abandonment issues that I’ve felt ever since my Dad left us when I was 7. It was a subconscious program that I had played day in and day out in my life of ‘I’m not good enough’. Unfortunately, that program played through many relationships, and no matter how loving those relationships were I still had that program running full force which inevitably destroyed each one.

What are your limiting beliefs?

Do you know what they are?

You can start by looking at your patterns, getting with a community of others that feel the same way. It’s time to take those destructive behaviors and learn some tools to help you understand that you are love. We are all love. We are born with love in our hearts.

The only evil in this world is learned, subconscious, self-destructive, wounded child behavior.


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I Open Myself to New Success

My travels start up again tomorrow as I leave Austin, Texas and head further towards Florida. As I make this trip further away from the west I feel it pulling me back like a magnet. I pacify it by letting it know that I will be back soon enough, I’m sure of it.

New opportunities are arising for me from areas that I was not expecting which is making me excited and trusting more in this ‘letting go’. I’ve mentioned how difficult it’s been for me to let the control freak take the back seat. You see, I have friends like myself… we are hustlers, survivors, but there are times when we get really tired and need a break. This time for me, is my break while still the wheels turn in the background, ready to pounce like the Leo that I am.

I have mentioned that taking a trip like this is very important. Scary, but essential. I we never know what really makes us tick we will continue through life repeating the same old patterns, the same old situations, until we finally give up on our dreams.

I am blessed in the fact that I don’t have a high overhead, no mortgage, significant other, car payments, etc… but I also don’t have a home or a place to live. The grass may seem greener to you when looking at my situation, but on the other side of the fence I long for deep meaningful, lasting relationship.

What am I getting at here?

Follow your dreams, but be aware that your dreams might change along the way, and that is ok. I’m open to the idea that I might not want to be a Rock singer anymore. I’m sure that stunned you like it did for me…. that has NOT happened, but it might. I’m open to that possibility. As I hone in on my dream I go deep into the details. What is the real reason I’m doing what I’m doing?

I do what I do because I want to change lives. I want people to see their greatness. I want people to be open to the possibility that they are powerful, wonderful, and loving human beings.

What is your dream? What are the fine details of your dream? Start digging.


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Being of Service

The card that has come up repeatedly during my journey has been The Hermit. So much of my journey has been me just being the observer, allowing life to move around me. My Ego gets tested all along the way, especially when I think I need to ‘DO’ something and the state of ‘BE’ing becomes ever more self evident as I travel deeper within.

For instance… right now I’m on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. My ‘plan’ (as you’ve seen my ‘plan’ has been consistently altered) was to leave here tomorrow (Saturday), but if the weather stays the way it’s been with this cold front coming through I will probably have to extend my stay here. Well, as L.U.C.K. (Living Under Cosmic Knowledge) would have it, Sunday is the Marine Corp Birthday (Nov. 10th) and seeing that this is a military area I should embrace that side of myself. Acknowledge those that have served as I once did.

I had mentioned the lessons that I’ve been learning…

I come from a very military family. My Uncle, my cousins, my brother, and myself all served, or are still serving. I might be their left wing liberal long haired hippy family member but one thing I can say for this family is that they still love me and embrace my seemingly odd character. Service has always been the underlying theme. It has never left me, the only difference now is that I’ve turned that service to others. I like to think that my music, my voice, is this service.

Getting back to the Hermit. Traveling deep inside of ourselves is the only way that we are going to get over ourselves. If we don’t dive deep at some point or other in our lives that monkey mind, or as my friend Chris calls it, the Lizard mind, takes over and controls us. When we dive deep we stop the thinking, we stop that chatter that tells us that we’re not enough, or that what we’re doing in our lives doesn’t matter.

We do matter.

When we become of service we start to realize that all of our problems, anxieties, our downfalls, divorces, all of that ‘stuff’ is just ‘stuff’. It was all created within our limiting belief of ourselves. We realize that we no longer need to fall victim to any of that.

Dive deep with me and in turn become of service to others around you. Do it to the capacity that makes you uncomfortable. Try it on for size and see how your life changes.

Make this upcoming Memorial Day, memorable.


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The Empress

Good Morning from El Paso, Texas. My host at the AirBnB left me with this sacred space. All decor from India, very peaceful. I am blessed and abundant.

This mornings card is the 3rd card in the Major Arcana. I opened the book to read about it and it said ‘111. The Empress’. As the Universe guides me on my journey I’ve been watching the signs… when I looked at my app on my phone at a rest stop it said I had 333 miles to go, the next time I looked down at my speedometer it said 55.5 miles. It just so happens that my cousin’s house outside of Austin, Texas is 111 as well (There are no coincidences).

So what is she telling me? Well, with the hours ticking away on the Harley I listen to audiobooks. I’m listening now to different speakers from the Hay House HEAL Summit and last nights adventure was with Bruce Lipton. Bruce talks about how our mind works. His research is vast as a scientist. He talks about when we ‘think’ we automatically switch to our subconscious to do all of the tasks while we are thinking. Unfortunately, our subconscious if full of old programs from other people. Usually within the first 7 years of our life we are sponges and we absorb all of these programs from our parents, and most people on this planet are still struggling with these issues.

Recognition is the key. Mind you, I’m not going to get into fine detail about it, I’ll let you explore that yourself or write me and I will go into more detail.

Basically, most of us live with our subconscious mind ruling our lives. The only way to get out of this is to become ‘mindful’, shutting off our ‘thinking’ brain and becoming part of the experience. It becomes timeless like when you fall in love, you are mindful, you aren’t thinking all about anything but being in love, feeling the endorphins, basking in the ‘feeling’.

The Empress is about feeling. She is about being mindful, becoming the observer, basking in the beauty of our surroundings.

Today, as I am on my 500 mile adventure to Austin I will be observing the landscape around me. I will not be ‘thinking’.

Will you join me?


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The Fool

This is the second time this week that I’ve pulled this card. What is spirit suggesting for me? Well… when we get the Fool card it is saying that the day is to be looked at in wonderment. To be embraced as would a child embrace a new day. No old thoughts or patterns because in a child’s mind there aren’t any of those preconceived thoughts or patterns. They haven’t experienced any of these things that we have. There is no bitterness or pain from past relationships, no acquired social conditioning.

Today, as I head back out on the road I want to thank all of the people that I’ve met on my journey so far. Thank them for the lessons they have taught me, some of them unaware that they were teaching me anything, some that were fully aware. I want to thank them for the long conversations, and allowing me to stay in this state of wonderment. As I write this it is starting to sound like I am saying goodbye… nothing could be farther from the truth… I am finally saying ‘Hello’ to the world and that I am ready to embrace it fully with the zest of a child.

My goal for the day is to reach El Paso, Texas… but I am aware now that making a ‘plan’ has ended up bringing me where I never imagined so I will just say this…

Wherever I go, there I am.


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The World

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Todays card is the last card in the Tarot; The World.

The World signifies completion in a way… it is telling us that we’ve got a grasp on how all of this works but even though we have a grasp on it, our feelings still prevail.

It’s difficult to just stop emotions from happening, nor would you want to, they are what make us human. Those that are stone faced to you are most likely suppressing feelings inside that will eventually destroy them. Think of your suppressed emotions like a dam; As the waters (emotions) build up there is a lot of pressure put on that dam, the bigger the wall, the more pressure on it and if that sucker breaks…. Oh hell, watch out!

So I understand why you would be afraid to release this pressure. I’m sure you’re afraid that once the flood gates open EVERYTHING will change.

It will. Believe me.

But eventually as the waters settle, after all of the old shit gets washed away; the old patterns, relationships, old feelings of suppression, of insignificance, of abandonment… you will start to notice the people around you who have also let that dam break. No longer will you feel the need to hide. No longer will you feel the need to escape.

Vulnerability is the last step taken before embracing the World card. It’s saying, “Fuck it!”

The freedom of being able to break down, reflect, share, grow… all of these empowering emotions allow you to concentrate on your true purpose in life. It allows you to be you without reservation. It allows you the freedom to express your true authentic self.

I know you are scared, I was too. I am fortunate to have good friends that encourage my expression no matter how quirky I might be from time to time. They have the comfort of knowing that they are seeing the true self, my true self.

Maybe it’s time for a serious breakdown like I had. A feeling like your world is upside down. Maybe it’s time for you to hit rock bottom and build yourself back up? Talk to people that have experienced this. Talk to me if you want. I’ll lay it all out there for you. Whatever it takes to help you live to your fullest potential.


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Queen of Cups

Today’s card is the Queen of Cups. Of any of the cards she embodies empathy. How many empaths do I have out there? Raise your hands.

As an empath myself, I know that we pick up on feelings. In most cases this can be a great thing if you are a healer, an artist, a politician. As Chris Cornell once sang, “Reach down and pick the crowd up.”

But, if we aren’t careful, if we don’t ground ourselves or get ample time alone we start taking on the characteristics of those around us. The Queen of Cups with her empathy can put herself in another’s shoes even if it’s to her detriment.

Today I would like you to feel these emotions. I want you to focus on yourself though, as scary as it might seem. All too often we don’t even know our own emotions because we are so focused on others.

When I do Reiki on clients I am careful to ground myself first. Too many times in my past I’ve taken on their emotions only to question myself later, asking, “Is this mine? Or is this someone else’s?”

So, again. Feel your feelings. Give yourself some alone time, so at the very least you know these are yours and not something you picked up along your path.


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