What do you expect?

Along my journey I’ve learned a lot about giving and receiving. Many times along this vast journey there have been imbalances depending on the relationship or time in my life. I think that can be said for most of us, although I’d bet that a good majority will say that they’ve given WAY more than received. This might be true, but I’d venture to say that our Ego has those numbers a little skewed (I can hear ALL of my ex’s screaming right now, “That’s right asshole! I gave you everything!”).

I believe that a lot of giving and received comes down to expectations.

When we are in love this energy exchange is evident. You bring her flowers, she makes you coffee. You both sit on the porch swing chatting away, sipping your coffee, she leans on your shoulder and you feel the energy exchange between the both of you. It’s bliss.

You are both doing this without expectations. The love that you share, the mutual respect, the adoration, is flowing between you both. In the metaphysical world this is called ‘balance’, the Yin/Yang.

Let’s use this in an example…

He brings her flowers every day. They’ve been together for awhile now and one day he is just super busy at the office, he comes home without flowers. She is so accustomed to him bringing him flowers, but she doesn’t say anything, but instead of letting it go she doesn’t make him coffee… and so the descent begins.

Mind you, I made her out to be the spiteful one, but it works both ways.

He brings her flowers every day, but one day he forgets and feels bad about it, but doesn’t say anything. The next day comes and the guilt has set in, but he says nothing about it. Eventually he starts to feel guilty, and then he starts making up in his head that she doesn’t appreciate him anyway, “Why do I always bring her flowers? What does she do for me?” This mental chatter goes back and forth and he finally blows up at her. She, on the other hand feels like she has been hit by a Mack truck. Where the hell did that come from?! I know this from experience… I’ve been that guy.

So how do we stop this madness?


Those 13 letters will save your life. Communication is the key. Seriously, it’s as simple as that. If you start feeling resentful, sit and talk to your partner. Allow them to discuss your feeling with them. Remember, your feelings are your feelings and if you feel a certain way it’s not dumb, or stupid, or selfish. They are your feelings, no matter how skewed they are. Make a time every day to sit with your partner and communicate your feelings. It’s your partner, not your buddy at a bar. This is the person that you’re supposed to confide in. Not dump on mind you… but to share your feelings.

If you aren’t in a partnership right now, that is ok. Now is a good time for you to see where in your past you might have built up resentment, where you might have created a mountain out of a molehill.

Look at it deeply. Do this now and clear it all up to prepare yourself for your next relationship. Dig deep into your soul and see what has stopped you from sharing in the past. What has stopped you from giving in the past… and most of all….

What has stopped you from receiving in the past?

Look back all the way to your childhood. Be meticulous. Look at different situations in your past where you’ve expected things. Be as non-judgmental as you can. Don’t go into beat-up mode for your past mistakes, use them as tools, to learn how NOT to do something.

And again… remember those 13 letters. COMMUNICATION. Without communication you can’t learn from tools that you’ve been using in the past, you have to acquire new tools. Be open to dialog with others, be transparent, give freely, receive freely, and never expect anything other than the lesson that you need to learn.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki for everyone for free.
If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com


Get on your Cycle and Ride!

Ok… Freddie actually said ‘Get on your ‘bike’ and ride, but on the metaphysical journey this cycle is never ending. As soon as we end one journey we begin another.

No matter how many times I’ve started/completed a cycle the monkey mind inevitably jumps in to remind us that we’re still the same. But are we? That depends. What did we learn from the last cycle? Did we learn enough and dive deep enough within ourselves, so much so that it was completely uncomfortable?

If you did (and I’m assuming you have) then the monkey mind will be even louder.

DAVE!!!! Come on! I did this journey so that I could heal, damn it!

I’ll ask you this then… How old are you? How long have these programs, these limiting beliefs been running our lives?

As I go deeper and deeper, peeling the onion layers away, I start to hone in on deeper issues, patterns… some of them we can’t see unless we’ve worked on other areas of our lives. As the saying goes, “We don’t know what we don’t know, until we know it.”

So… when the monkey mind starts its chatter again, that is where we need to hone in. That is the next step in the journey. It’s not saying that you’re a complete mess, it’s just another program of belief that we need to clean up.

Why do you think ignorance is bliss? It’s because when we take this journey of enlightenment we begin the healing journey. It hurts. It’s difficult. It takes focus. It takes time. But if we stay in the matrix, doing the same old thing, complaining about the same old stuff, continuing the same old patterns, we are miserable. Understanding WHY we are miserable is the healing journey.

I know it sounds hopeless, but it’s not. As the layers peel away we start to realize that giving of ourselves becomes more gratifying. The focus is off of ourselves and synchronicities start to unfold.

No longer are you the victim.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki for everyone for free. If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com


As Within, So Without

Good Morning from New Orleans!

I am grateful for the relationships that I have in my life and that I can share of myself with them.

Along my journey I’ve been able to break bread with various family and friends, new and old. I get to live my truth instead of just speaking it. I had mentioned yesterday that I have shed my doubts about how I’ve lived my life, and that everything is perfect just the way it is.

My Harley, Destiny, has been my trusty steed along this journey as well as the Hay House HEAL Summit programs that I’ve listening to as the miles tick away behind me. I’ve been in a state of mindfulness and joy. The old past patterns have been recognized, consoled and put away only to be used in reference to my journey.

Today’s card is the 2 of Cups. It’s the love card, and in the Rohrig Tarot it depicts a person hugging another, and with further inspection it is depicted with three arms around them. This is indicating that to have love we need to be love. We need to learn to love ourselves first before we can step into the space of loving others.

For me, it was learning about my inner child. About the abandonment issues that I’ve felt ever since my Dad left us when I was 7. It was a subconscious program that I had played day in and day out in my life of ‘I’m not good enough’. Unfortunately, that program played through many relationships, and no matter how loving those relationships were I still had that program running full force which inevitably destroyed each one.

What are your limiting beliefs?

Do you know what they are?

You can start by looking at your patterns, getting with a community of others that feel the same way. It’s time to take those destructive behaviors and learn some tools to help you understand that you are love. We are all love. We are born with love in our hearts.

The only evil in this world is learned, subconscious, self-destructive, wounded child behavior.


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What’s your end goal?

This journey started, as I’ve stated, traveling from California to Florida. My map was all laid out, I knew the direction, I knew the amount of time it would take. I had an end goal.

What is your end goal?

I thought I knew what mine was, but as I opened myself up to possibility it all changed. When I released the attachment to ‘what I want’ to ‘what I need’ everything opened up. Some would say that I got lost, but I would say that I finally found a direction and that direction is not what it started out as.

Now that I’ve come to terms with my Ego telling me what I need for survival, now I can truly follow my heart, follow my true passion.

I sing. <— period.

There are no more doubts, no more ‘should’s’, no more ‘have to’s’. None of that has been left in my vocabulary.

My buddy Ryan once took a trip like this. Hopped on his motorcycle to go find himself. He came out with complete clarity because he shut off his mind and allowed his true vision to unfold. There are many cases such as his and mine. Many examples of people doing this either on a motorcycle, bicycle, or hiking. Creating that movement and shutting off the mind.

I’ve said this once and I will say it again. Everything is perfect and everything happens for a reason.

Are you worth enough to yourself to take such a journey?


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

I Open Myself to New Success

My travels start up again tomorrow as I leave Austin, Texas and head further towards Florida. As I make this trip further away from the west I feel it pulling me back like a magnet. I pacify it by letting it know that I will be back soon enough, I’m sure of it.

New opportunities are arising for me from areas that I was not expecting which is making me excited and trusting more in this ‘letting go’. I’ve mentioned how difficult it’s been for me to let the control freak take the back seat. You see, I have friends like myself… we are hustlers, survivors, but there are times when we get really tired and need a break. This time for me, is my break while still the wheels turn in the background, ready to pounce like the Leo that I am.

I have mentioned that taking a trip like this is very important. Scary, but essential. I we never know what really makes us tick we will continue through life repeating the same old patterns, the same old situations, until we finally give up on our dreams.

I am blessed in the fact that I don’t have a high overhead, no mortgage, significant other, car payments, etc… but I also don’t have a home or a place to live. The grass may seem greener to you when looking at my situation, but on the other side of the fence I long for deep meaningful, lasting relationship.

What am I getting at here?

Follow your dreams, but be aware that your dreams might change along the way, and that is ok. I’m open to the idea that I might not want to be a Rock singer anymore. I’m sure that stunned you like it did for me…. that has NOT happened, but it might. I’m open to that possibility. As I hone in on my dream I go deep into the details. What is the real reason I’m doing what I’m doing?

I do what I do because I want to change lives. I want people to see their greatness. I want people to be open to the possibility that they are powerful, wonderful, and loving human beings.

What is your dream? What are the fine details of your dream? Start digging.


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

Being of Service

The card that has come up repeatedly during my journey has been The Hermit. So much of my journey has been me just being the observer, allowing life to move around me. My Ego gets tested all along the way, especially when I think I need to ‘DO’ something and the state of ‘BE’ing becomes ever more self evident as I travel deeper within.

For instance… right now I’m on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. My ‘plan’ (as you’ve seen my ‘plan’ has been consistently altered) was to leave here tomorrow (Saturday), but if the weather stays the way it’s been with this cold front coming through I will probably have to extend my stay here. Well, as L.U.C.K. (Living Under Cosmic Knowledge) would have it, Sunday is the Marine Corp Birthday (Nov. 10th) and seeing that this is a military area I should embrace that side of myself. Acknowledge those that have served as I once did.

I had mentioned the lessons that I’ve been learning…

I come from a very military family. My Uncle, my cousins, my brother, and myself all served, or are still serving. I might be their left wing liberal long haired hippy family member but one thing I can say for this family is that they still love me and embrace my seemingly odd character. Service has always been the underlying theme. It has never left me, the only difference now is that I’ve turned that service to others. I like to think that my music, my voice, is this service.

Getting back to the Hermit. Traveling deep inside of ourselves is the only way that we are going to get over ourselves. If we don’t dive deep at some point or other in our lives that monkey mind, or as my friend Chris calls it, the Lizard mind, takes over and controls us. When we dive deep we stop the thinking, we stop that chatter that tells us that we’re not enough, or that what we’re doing in our lives doesn’t matter.

We do matter.

When we become of service we start to realize that all of our problems, anxieties, our downfalls, divorces, all of that ‘stuff’ is just ‘stuff’. It was all created within our limiting belief of ourselves. We realize that we no longer need to fall victim to any of that.

Dive deep with me and in turn become of service to others around you. Do it to the capacity that makes you uncomfortable. Try it on for size and see how your life changes.

Make this upcoming Memorial Day, memorable.


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi


Good Morning from Texas!
As I make my way further across the United States I also make my way further into myself. The learning never stops. Yesterday was yet another miracle day. It was a day of recognizing that I am on the right path, that mistakes that I perceived to make were not really mine afterall. Of course, it’s good to get recognition that you aren’t completely bonkers, but at the same time we can’t rest on our laurels. We can’t take that moment of satisfaction and pretend that there still isn’t work to be done on ourselves. There is always work to be done.

What is my lesson? It’s a lesson of becoming more and more selfless, to take care of myself, to be mindful of my needs but to also ‘know’ that all of my needs will be met regardless of how the monkey mind chatters away on our shoulders. Becoming mindful, becoming selfless, is about turning off the thinking mind and just ‘allowing’ the world to flow around me.

I might be sounding a bit redundant from time to time but I believe that this needs to be repeated over and over again, like a mantra. It needs to be at the forefront of our minds to keep us in check.

Drop the Ego. Drop the Anger.

Ego is nothing more than the wounded child within us all that wants validation, that wants to be protected. It Is our ‘job’ as adults now to let our inner child know that we’ve got this… we will protect it.

Have an amazingly powerful day!

#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi