How did ‘Normal’ serve you?

There has been a social divide about vaccines that I’ve been watching lately, as I’m sure you have seen as well. Whether you decide that it is good for you or not, I encourage you to do your own research, and most of all… make the decision based on your gut and not what everyone else is doing around you, or to be pressured into it against your own inner truth.

I’ve been encouraged, either by the media or by people who religiously got their flu shot every year, to take the shot. I would do my best to ask myself if it was something I needed or not. I’ve usually opted out of getting one as I would explain to anybody that would ask…

I would rather let my immune system adapt to the environment around me, to do my best to take care of my body by exercising, by taking care of my mind by meditation, by doing my best to heal my body using Reiki and to trust that raising my vibration will ultimately serve me best, as well as those around me.

There is a F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) that we might contract a virus that we might never be able to get rid of, or worse, infect others. That by taking this shot we are allowing society to return to ‘normal’.

How did ‘normal’ serve you?

Is it worse for society to continue on a path of fast-food, consumerism, television, isolation, addiction to porn, drugs, alcohol, social media, or even fossil fuels? Allowing the rich to get richer, and the poor to continue getting poorer? Allowing our already divided world to become even more divided? More medicated? Continue allowing Big Tech, Big Oil, and Big Pharma to continue destroying our minds, our resources, and our spirit?


… would it better suit us to take advantage of this global pandemic by REALLY changing our world?

Start focusing on Plant-based Diets, or at least start focusing on where our actual food is coming from, how it is grown, where it is grown, and who is growing it. Recognizing what GMO’s actually are and what they really contain. Start focusing on nutritional value instead of quantity. Yes, Quality, not Quantity.

Seeing the beauty in smaller, Self-Sustaining Communities. Allowing each member of these societies to focus on their strong points which will inevitably make these societies thrive.

Starting schools that actually teach kids to focus on what makes them shine, teaching them useful information instead of teaching them how to be a ‘productive’ member of society, in other words… getting a good job.

Learning to have conversations that empower others, instead of having conversations just to hear ourselves speak, just to appease our own egos just to be ‘right’.

Teaching Art and Music and embracing the idea that without these we will die. When we look at the past we see how Art and Music have contributed to those societies, enhanced them, made them better, more prosperous, and ultimately made life worth living.

Instead of sending our elders off to die alone in nursing homes, allowing them to use their wisdom to teach the younger generations what works and what ultimately doesn’t work and how they can make the world a better place for all. Stop looking at them as useless just because they can’t work anymore.

If you’ve made it this far I encourage you to start taking action. Start looking for commonalities in those that you once apposed. I wrote in the song ‘Alive’ by Electric Messiah, to “Drop the Ego, drop the anger. Stop pointing fingers. Look inside.”


Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day. MLK once said, “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

Being peaceful is much more difficult than being violent or angry. How many of you have had a hard time biting your tongue from time to time? You’ve had to restrain yourself, teach yourself to breathe, and bring yourself back to a state of calm. I can say this because I struggle with this as well. I mostly struggle with it in relationships, I confess. It has caused a rift that only I can mend.

Last night my partner reminded me to be grateful. To practice Gratitude, instead of focusing on the small things that bother me. Sometimes those small things seem so huge, they seem like deal breakers, and that there is no going back. I think that we (I) feel this way because we have forgotten the tools of forgiveness. In todays society we are constantly bombarded with all of the bad that surrounds us, that we forget about the good that is right in front of us. This goes for our nation as well. We have a great nation that is still growing and learning. We’re working out the bugs.

Forgiveness comes with work. It means that we are going to have to forgive ourselves first and then patch up our past. Fix what we couldn’t fix. Fix the stains of our past. We need to truly be ‘We The People’, not just ‘Some of the People’.

We have communities that struggle. Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, and White. It’s time for us to become color blind. It’s time for us to do as the bible states,

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Because we are all one. We had an unwritten motto in the Marines. It was,

“You are only as strong as your weakest link.”

That means taking the weakest amongst us, not in physical strength alone but in; Education, Economic, and Spiritual.

Join me today to learn how we can do this together and lift each and every person up. See their strengths instead of their weaknesses.



Living in the Matrix

What is our true purpose here? Are we here to make a quick buck, have kids, watch football, and then die? I choose not to believe that but I’m fighting against a society that completely buys into that foggy dream.

I watch people busy their lives doing things that they don’t want to do because everyone else convinces them that they have to be miserable just like them.

“The love of Money is the root of all evil.”

Money used to be used as a tool for trade but all I see it as now is a tool for greed. It tears families apart, it tears friendships apart, and it tears societies apart. We see the rich getting richer, while us poor down here fight over the scraps never bothering to look up and realize that we’re all getting fucked.

We shop at multi-billion dollar companies like; Amazon, Target, and Walmart to buy useless things that somehow, in our little brains make us think that we’ll forget about our misery if we just have that new T.V., or toaster.

Well, guess what?

You’re fucked if you think that. You’re just going to end up in a house full of useless bullshit that you’re going to have to move when you get kicked out.

Trying to talk to people about this is useless now to me. They are more interested in protecting an orange haired maniac because he has the same obsession that they do…


That’s what it all comes down too.

Screw the Homeless, screw the Veterans, screw the poor, screw the Mexicans, or anybody else that tries to climb over our fictitious wall. To the Orange Idiots they are people just trying to take advantage of THEIR money.

Where did we go wrong?

When did money become so much more important than community?

When did we stop looking at our brothers and sisters with compassion?

Have we become so busy just trying to get by that we’ve forgotten these fundamental beliefs? Is it too late to turn around or are we actually so deeply part of the Matrix?

If that is the case, then I want out. There is nothing for me here.


Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

Let me start off by saying this.. believing in yourself, and taking care of yourself first is not selfishness.

I remember years ago I was told that believing in yourself is not selfishness, it was hard to hear because the way I was raised was to put others before myself. As I’ve grown on my spiritual path I have adopted this philosophy of taking care of myself first… it was difficult at first but the more I practiced it the more I realized that by serving myself I was also serving others.

What do I mean by this?

When you start taking care of your own needs first, and you are honest about what you feel and who you truly are, you are going to weed out a lot of people in your life. That is ok. You can’t make everyone happy, nor should you want to. Eventually though you will find someone that is on the same vibration that you are, someone that believes in themselves as much as you believe in you. You’ve heard me talk before about ‘mirror’s’. When I talk about mirrors what I am talking about is this… when you look in the mirror you see yourself, if you look in the mirror and you see someone that is miserable, unhappy, insecure, etc., do you really think that you’re going to get back something else? Let me elaborate. You can’t have what you are not. It’s impossible. It might happen, yes, but it will be brief because the other person will eventually see your true colors. So, no matter what you want in this world you have to be honest with yourself and honest with the other person.

It’s a hard lesson, but a worthwhile one. I wouldn’t have who I have in my life now did I not look in the mirror and become who I truly am. I have who I have in my life now because I am reflecting who I am. I wrote a song called The Mirror of your Soul with D.N.A.. I wrote this song after dating a narcissist. I believe though that everything happens for a reason. Had I not have had this experience I never would have taken a look at who I really am. Everything happens for a reason… Everything.

What did I learn from this and how can it help you?

Take it from a guy that has taken the backseat in many relationships. I’m not blaming them, quite the contrary, I was to blame for all of them. Why? Because I wasn’t in the relationships for me, at first I was, but after a period of time I was in them for somebody else. It was either to please a family member or to prove to the other in the relationship that I could become what they needed me to be in order to make them happy. It’s a lose/lose situation because you can never make somebody else happy, that is their responsibility. Now, that doesn’t mean that you cannot add to another persons happiness, but you can not, and let me say this again… you can’t be responsible for somebody else’s happiness or unhappiness. It’s impossible. But I tried, and I failed many times. It was a pattern of mine to do everything in my power to make someone happy, to prove to them that I could do it. The pattern would last for about 3-5 years before I internally blew up. I would run away, I would start resenting them or I would go find somebody else, and the person I was with at the time would be left standing there dumbfounded not understanding what the hell was going on. They never knew because I would beat myself up inside, convincing myself that I could change for that person.

It wasn’t until I moved to Los Angeles that all of this changed. I was forced to be alone. I forced myself for the most part. I recognized the patterns by learning more about myself. It took me being alone, with myself, to really look deep into who I really was and what I really wanted. Yes, I dated here and there, and sometimes I would fall back into the pattern, but this time it was different. I recognized the pattern. That was the key. Sometimes it would only take one date, sometimes a month, but I looked at what I wanted first. Was this person serving who I really wanted to be to the world? Were we both in alignment of what we both needed? How could I serve that person while also serving myself? Millions of questions would come up, and each time I would meditate on it to see if I was falling back into an old pattern or not.

Who are you seeing in the mirror? Who do you want to see in the mirror?

Start taking care of yourself and that reflection will change. Trust me.


What is Your Truth?

The past is the past. Whatever happened then is no longer relevant in my life. I can say that with the utmost truth as if whatever happened in the past was a dream, a ‘story’, that I lived, or my perception of what I lived. My past ‘story’ is not my present truth.

When our truth starts to unfold there is no longer a need to validate our truth. Just living our truth is the only path. I’m not saying that whatever happened in my past didn’t affect me… not at all. What I’m saying is, that whatever happened in my past happened for a reason and that now I know fully in my heart that I am where I am supposed to be. Not physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

Everybody should do this.

Everybody should have the time to reflect on their past, understand our past, mourn our past, and then file it away with the rest of the history books only to reference it in conversation to help others move forward. It should never be taken off the shelf to claim victimhood. We are not victims and to live as a victim will never allow you to move forward.

Amongst my ‘readings’ (audiobooks) while on my Harley there were case studies after case studies where cancer survivors looked back at the profound changes that happened in their lives and that they will only talk about cancer in reference to the past and that most of them don’t even want to talk about it… not from fear that it will return, but because that is not their truth. And each one was grateful for the change in their lives. You would think that they would reference the experience as something horrible that has messed up their whole lives, but no… they were grateful that now they live their lives in such a profoundly different way that you would never know they had such a horrible dis-ease. I’ve never had cancer, nor would I want it, but the point was well taken.

Live your truth at all costs. Don’t let society, family, friends, or situations sway you from your truth. Give of yourself even when you think you are unable to and to always send love to everyone around you… and mean it.

Be Alert

The world needs more lerts

That is one of my favorite sayings and a bumper sticker that I used to have eons ago.

Be alert for all of the opportunities that come up around us. Be aware and allow the world’s energy to flow around us and to not attach ourselves to unnecessary people or things. I know that in my past I would see something shiny and I would attach myself to it.

We are lightbulbs in a world of moths.

The moths being the mindless creatures that are looking for something outside of themselves.

Spoiler — There is nothing outside of ourselves.

Anything outside of ourselves is ‘perceived’. It’s made up from our conditioning over years of abuse, self-doubt, addiction… and the list goes on. I am determined to be a lightbulb and allowing my light to shine at all costs, even when I’m feeling like I don’t have any light to shine.

I was telling a dear friend this morning that I am studying along my journey, non-attachment. I am determined to ‘allow’ the Universe/God/Source to provide all that I need when I need it. Am I scared? Who wouldn’t be? All the demons and subconscious programming are full-on in my face as we speak, and yet I am determined to ‘allow’.

What do you want?

In my line of work I get to talk to a lot of people and one thing I’ve noticed is that they all have a common theme; they all know what they don’t want, but they struggle with what they do want. I’m not saying this is a bad thing because we all have to find our way through life via trial and error. Not one of us on this planet wakes up at birth saying, “This is what I want to be, and this is who I will be.”

This dialog is an ever changing one when we are young. We might decide we want to be an Astronaut, Nurse, Doctor, Race Car Driver… and the list grows as we age and as we try different things. We go to college to study medicine only to find out that spinning records is much more fulfilling. Some of us get stuck doing something we don’t love for many years because of family obligation, or social acceptance. Breaking that cycle and really doing what you want is difficult and complicated.

It’s easy to say what you don’t want. It’s easy because you’ve either tried it or someone you know has tried and failed. Nobody wants a bad marriage. Nobody wants to get stuck in a job they don’t like, or a career that just gets them by. To finally sit down and decide what you do want can be depressing because it might seem impossible from where you are sitting right now. You might feel that you don’t deserve it, or you don’t have enough money, you’re not attractive enough, you’re too fat, etc. This dialog will never change until you change. Your circumstances aren’t going to magically disappear overnight. And they most definitely aren’t going to change if you’re stuck in the dialog of what you don’t want.

So Dave… how am I going to change this?

You can start by sitting down and writing down what you want.

If you write down that you want more money…. how much? What would it feel like to have that amount? What would you do with it? If it’s a new car… what color is it? What does it feel like to sit behind the wheel? Where would you drive it? Or maybe you just want to be happy. What would make you happy? What would it feel like to smile? When you are writing these things down, paint a picture in as much detail as you can. You can even create a vision board. Take some old magazines, cut out pictures that you like and paste them on your vision board. Prop the vision board up in front of your bed so that is the first thing you see when you wake up and then the last thing you see before you fall asleep.

Surround yourself with people you aspire to be like. I have a quote that I keep close to me at all times… “Attract what you expect. Reflect what you desire. Become what you respect. Mirror what you admire.” Surrounding yourself with people that you have nothing in common with, or that are negative does you no good whatsoever. Why are you with these people? What value do they have in your life? Is being around them helping you and them grow? If not, gently and with love… walk away.

Don’t tell the world what you want. Just do it. And by God, don’t post it on facebook!

A for sure way to stop you in your tracks is to tell the world what you want. What you are doing is inviting people to tell you that you can’t and that it’s impossible, or they’ve tried it and failed. You will get every excuse in the book and it will eventually wear you down and you’ll end up quitting yourself. I’m not suggesting that you don’t share what you want, but keep it to a small group of people that are inspiring you to do it. Start a meet up group of like minded people that will push you, and you in turn help them as well.

In summary, we live in a ‘Have – Do – Be’ world. If I have a great job, work hard, I will be happy. Unfortunately, we’ve been getting it all wrong. Turn that around to ‘Be-Do-Have’. If you are happy, and you are doing what you love you will have all that you desire…

So. Feel Good. Focus on right NOW. Focus on something, anything but the lack in your life.